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Right Ways to Install Hardwood Floors in Your Premises

Installing hardwood floors in your premises requires careful planning and execution to ensure a professional and long-lasting result. Here are the proper steps for how to install a hardwood floor in your home:

Prepare the Subfloor

● Remove any existing flooring materials, such as carpet or laminate.

● Ensure the subfloor is clean, dry, and level. Repair any damages or uneven areas.

Acclimate the Hardwood

● Store the hardwood planks in the installation area for at least 48 hours to acclimate to the room's temperature and humidity levels.

Measure and Plan

● Measure the room accurately to determine the square footage and calculate the amount of hardwood needed.

● Plan the layout of the floor, considering the direction of the planks and any design considerations.

Install the Vapor Barrier (if necessary)

● In areas with moisture concerns, install a vapor barrier or moisture barrier over the subfloor to protect the hardwood from potential moisture damage.

Install the Underlayment (if necessary):

● Some hardwood flooring types may require an underlayment. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to install it properly.

Start Installation

● Begin installation from the longest, straightest wall in the room.

● Install the first row of hardwood planks with the tongue side facing the wall, leaving a 1/2-inch expansion gap.

● Use spacers along the wall to maintain the expansion gap.

Install Subsequent Rows

● Install the subsequent rows by interlocking the tongues and grooves of the planks.

● Stagger the joints between the rows by at least 6 inches to create a more visually appealing and stable floor.

Nail or Staple the Planks

● Depending on the type of hardwood flooring, you may need to nail or staple the planks to the subfloor.

● Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for the appropriate fastening method.

Trim and Fit the Last Row

● Measure and cut the last row of planks to fit the remaining space.

● Leave a 1/2-inch expansion gap between the last row and the wall.

Install the Baseboards and Trim

● Install the baseboards or shoe molding to cover the expansion gap and provide a finished look.

● Use a finish nailer or adhesive to secure them to the wall, not the floor.

Sand and Finish

● If you choose unfinished hardwood, sand the entire floor to create a smooth surface.

● Apply the desired finish (such as stain, sealant, or varnish) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Allow for Drying Time

● Give the finish ample time to dry before allowing foot traffic on the newly installed hardwood floor. Follow the finish manufacturer's guidelines for drying times.

It's important to note that these steps provide a general guideline, and it's always recommended to consult the manufacturer's instructions specific to your hardwood flooring product. Additionally, hiring a professional installer or seeking expert advice can ensure a high-quality installation and avoid costly mistakes.

Hardwood floor is gaining vogue in the modern world because it is a durable investment that you can make. After years, when your floors start to look drab, consider hardwood floor refinishing in Buffalo Grove. This procedure will bring your floors to their pristine condition.

For professional wood flooring assistance, contact us at Big Bro Hardwood. We follow a systematic procedure to complete the task right the first time. Our well-versed team uses the latest techniques and materials to achieve the success of the overall project. Whether you want wood floor installation services or hardwood floor refinishing in Northbrook, feel free to get in touch with us!

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